PM Sheikh Hasina's speech at "2015 Leaders’ Summit on UN Peacekeeping"


Published on October 4, 2015
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PM Sheikh Hasina's speech at 2015 Leaders’ Summit on UN Peacekeeping

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Mr. President, Co-Chairs,
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Bangladesh’s commitment to UN peacekeeping is strong and steadfast. In Mali, DR Congo and Central African Republic, Bangladesh was the quickest to deploy troops under blue helmet.

At last year’sSummit, we made a number of commitments. As the leading troops and police contributor, we stand ready to go further.

Bangladesh commits to provide infantry battalions, formed police units, utility helicopters, engineering and maritime units, and other enabling assets to address the existing and projected gaps in peacekeeping missions.

We recognize the need for modernization of peacekeeping operations with new technologies. Theiruse should follow the principles of UN peacekeeping.

Bangladesh has a state-of-the-art Institute for Peace Support Operations and Training (BIPSOT). We are developing it as a centre of excellence for training peacekeepers, especially women peacekeepers.

We commit to provide customized training and technical support to other troops and police contributing countries. We are committed to protectcivilians and promote gender and human rights issues.

We must show ‘zero tolerance’ to sexual misconduct by peacekeepers. We should attach high priority to the safety and security of peacekeepers.

In this context, Bangladesh is ready to implement the Secretary General’s recommendations.We are in the final stage of adopting a National Peacekeeping Strategy to better respond to the evolving needs on the ground and at policy level.

I conclude by calling uponall members of the peacekeeping community toworktogether to ensure peace and security around the world.

I thank you.


(HE Sheikh Hasina ,Hon’ble Prime MinisterGovernment of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh)