Digital Bangladesh; A dream came true


Published on November 22, 2013
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The use of information and communication technology has been playing a vital role in the 21st century due to globalization and the government is encouraged to adapting with the coming future. Bangladesh Awami League has declared the “Vision 2021” in the election manifesto which targets establishment of a resourceful and modern country by 2021 through effective use of information and communication technology-a “Digital Bangladesh”.

Bangladesh Awami League believes that without developing the ICT sector, a country can never be fully developed. Because of this the incumbent AL government has taken different initiatives for developing the ICT sector. Bangladesh government has started providing 3G for all from 9th September. Now this service is available in 3 districts but all the districts of Bangladesh are expected to come under this service in near future. Till August 2013, Bangladesh has 10 crore, 93 Lakh and 49 thousands mobile user. 6.1% of the total population now use internet. For providing better information service government has opened 4,501 union information centre. With the help of the mobile banking now people from all the spheres of the society are getting banking services quite easily.
For implementing ICT in the health sector and thus improving the health security of mother and child, Bangladesh has already achieved South-South award.
Under the current government , admission system in all the educational institutions have been digitalized. Now almost every school, college, University has mobile admission system. Everyone can get the results of their respective exams by mobile. Even people now can submit GD to police via mobile. Because of the electronic money transfer service, now people can send the money quite easily. Government has also introduced e-TIN system for income tax purposes. Government also introduced Doyel Laptop for everyone’s use.
IT education has been made mandatory in the secondary level. AL government has provided training for 1230 IT teachers and 32,000 students. Government has also implemented ICT act.
The incumbent government has also started the work of a Hi-tech park in Gazipur. Bangladesh Awami League is determined to make Bangladesh a “Digital Bangladesh” by 2021. Bangladesh Awami League is hopeful to present Bangladesh as a model to the other nations in ICT sector.