UN appoints Brigadier General Mohammad Nazmul Haque as OMA's first Bangladeshi Chief of Staff


Published on May 22, 2021
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Brigadier General Mohammad Nazmul Haque has been appointed chief of staff for the Office of Military Affairs, Department of Peace Operations (DPO), at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

He is the first Bangladeshi military officer to be appointed to such a high and important post at UN headquarters.

"This is one of the key appointments at UN Headquarters which is a matter of great honor for Bangladesh. These appointments are selected through fierce competition between nominated candidates from different troop contributing countries," said an ISPR press release.

Bangladesh has achieved the honor for the first time at the request of the Chief of Army Staff, General Aziz Ahmed.

During the visit to the United States in February this year, General Aziz met with various dignitaries - including UN's Under Secretary General - and requested for appointing more officers from the Bangladesh Army to various higher and important posts at UN headquarters.

Shortly after his visit, an officer of the rank of Brigadier General (Brigadier General Manzur) of Bangladesh Army was appointed to the post of Sector Commander for the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Mali (MINUSMA).

Another 20 Bangladeshi appointments have also been made to the United Nations as military observers and staff officers.

After the visit, Bangladesh has received a proposal from the United States to deploy a special force comprising the United States and Bangladesh to CAR. The Bangladesh Army will also deploy a strong quick reaction force and an aviation unit to the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali soon.

At present, 15 contingents of Bangladesh have been included in the United Nations Capability Readiness System (UNPCRS), which has created opportunities for the deployment of new contingents in UN peacekeeping missions.

Two contingents have already been deemed eligible as UNPCRS, Rapid Deployment Level (RDL), and are receiving a 25% maintenance reimbursement from their position in Bangladesh. Four contingents of Bangladesh engaged in Mali are also receiving a risk premium.

Bangladesh is currently serving as the top peacekeeper in nine different UN peacekeeping missions around the globe.