After rape, genocide and looting, Pakistani aggressors got involved in infighting


Published on December 15, 2021
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While the Bengali nation rejoices in victory from the beginning of December, the barbaric Pakistanis drown in the shame of defeat. But even after the defeat in the Liberation War in 1971, their brutality did not stop. The Pakistani juntas have yet to be civilized even after their unconditional surrender to the freedom fighters and Indian allied forces on December 16, according to the autobiographies of General Niazi, Rao Farman Ali and Khadim Hussain Raja, the main perpetrators of killing three million Bengalis and rape of at least 200,000 women.

Under the UN Geneva Convention, around 90,000 Pakistani soldiers were detained in the neutral state of India after the defeat in the Liberation War. Even while in detention, Pakistani soldiers get themselves involved in a variety of misdeeds, including homosexuality. Pakistan's top generals even clashed over the distribution of lunch and dinner, forgetting the shame of losing the war. General Niazi, the top army commander of the Pakistani junta, used to loot the food of other officers at that time. There has no precedent of such a shameless incident of defeated top army commanders in history.

One of the perpetrators of the March 25 genocide, General Rao Farman Ali wrote in his autobiography: “During our detention days, we used to keep General Niazi in the top front of the dining table as per the seniority. I was the sixth in terms of seniority. Niazi used to take half of the Donga and by the time it came to me, it had nothing but one or two bones left”. It may be mentioned that Rao Farman Ali, the third Command-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army during the Liberation, said the soil of Bengal would be turned to red. General Niazi did not stop only after looting the food of his colleagues, he used to gossip about dirty and obscene stories regularly, according to the book.

Meanwhile, General Niazi wrote in his autobiography, “The battlefield was unfamiliar. It was not possible to determine who the enemy and who the ally was. However, many of the Bengalis expressed their loyalty to the Pakistanis. The Razakars, Al Badr and Al-Shams forces were formed with them. They were trained. They have played a very helpful role. With their help, Pakistani troops used to reach every area.” However, General Niazi also noted that some military officers were sent back to Pakistan on charges of looting, corruption and rape during the Liberation War.

Niazi wrote, “Brigadier Arbab was removed from commando on charges of looting and theft. He was later deported to West Pakistan.” However, the Pakistan authorities later promoted him to a higher position, said Niazi.

Besides, Niazi’s book named a Major General called Haji Majid who was accused of serious crimes. In a report sent to the army headquarters on April 15, Niazi wrote: “I have been getting plenty of reports of lootings, arsons and killings. There have been reports of many rapes too. It is heard that the looted goods are being taken to West Pakistan through the returning families. Officers are also involved in these heinous acts.” 

Regarding the looting by senior army officers, Niazi further wrote, "When defeat was confirmed at the end of the war, some air force pilots were safely repatriated to West Pakistan. At that time, General Rao Farman Ali sent 80,000 Tk to his wife through his niece. His niece was a pilot of the helicopter. In 1971, the value of 80,000 Tk was a lot. After receiving the surrender order on December 13, I withdrew cash and gold along with foreign currency from the banks in Dhaka. And I burn all the notes.”