Election Manifesto 2024: Agricultural Development for a Hunger-Free Bangladesh


Published on December 27, 2023
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"Food for All" is the core goal and commitment of the Awami League. The manifesto pledges to build a hunger-free Bangladesh. On Wednesday (December 27), the Awami League announced this manifesto for the 12th national parliamentary election.

Agriculture is a primary driving force of Bangladesh's economy and livelihoods. Agriculture plays a crucial role not only in fulfilling the food and nutritional needs of the population but also in providing employment in rural areas, supplying raw materials to industries, and increasing export earnings. Following independence, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, initiated an agricultural revolution by taking ground-breaking steps to enhance production and ensure food security, giving utmost importance to the development of agriculture and farmers. Currently, under the leadership of Bangabandhu's daughter, Sheikh Hasina, the Awami League government also prioritizes agriculture in state governance. With the commitment of "Food for All," the party emphasizes agricultural development in its manifesto for the 12th national parliamentary election.

In the fiscal year 2022-23, rice production surpassed all previous records. Currently, Bangladesh ranks third globally in the production of rice, vegetables, and onions. Additionally, it holds the second position in jute production, fourth in tea, and seventh in potato production. Significant progress has been made in cultivating both domestic and foreign fruits. Farmers are encouraged to cultivate profitable but unconventional crops like coffee, cashew nuts, black pepper, malta (a type of citrus), and dragon fruit. The per capita fruit consumption rate, which was 55 grams in 2006, increased to 85 grams in 2023. In the last 15 years, 699 new crop varieties resilient to adverse environments and 708 technologies have been developed. The mechanization of agriculture is underway to modernize it. From 2010 to 2023, nearly 133,000 agricultural machineries, including combine harvesters, reapers, seeders, and power tillers, have been distributed to farmers at subsidized prices. A 3,000 crore taka agricultural mechanization project is ongoing. Overall, the country's agricultural system is transitioning from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture.

To maintain this trend, the Awami League, led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, pledges to follow sustainable development strategies based on planned initiatives. The strategy aims to meet the growing population's nutritional needs, ensure the supply and accessibility of nutritious food for all, develop commercial agriculture, expand agriculture-dependent industries, improve rural infrastructure, increase and diversify exports of agricultural and non-agricultural products, and enhance the quality of life in rural communities through poverty alleviation. The annual budget allocation will be increased, and private investment in the rural sector will be encouraged.

Awami League’s Commitment

"Food for All" remains the Awami League's primary goal and commitment. The trend of following sustainable development strategies, based on a contextualized plan for the development of agriculture, farmers, and the rural economy, will continue. The strategy includes ensuring nutrition for the growing population, supplying and accessing nutritious food for everyone, developing commercial agriculture, expanding agriculture-dependent industries, improving rural infrastructure, increasing and diversifying exports of agricultural and non-agricultural products, and enhancing the living standards of rural communities through poverty alleviation. The annual budget allocation will be increased, and private investment in the rural sector will be encouraged.

The daughter of Bangabandhu pledges to expand the initiatives already taken to increase agricultural production. The provision of agricultural loans at 4% concessional interest will continue; the central bank will refinance commercial banks at a 0.5% rate, encouraging them to distribute more agricultural loans. The Awami League will continue to provide assistance and subsidies for agricultural production and investment in agricultural inputs. Easy access to and availability of agricultural machinery will be ensured to alleviate labor shortages in agriculture and increase productivity. Subsidies on agricultural machinery will continue.

The Awami League government has already implemented a policy to bring all land under cultivation to further increase agricultural production. Sheikh Hasina's commitment is that no land will remain uncultivated. Emphasis will be placed on developing an integrated agricultural system.

Furthermore, to build a smart, agriculture-dependent Bangladesh, strategies will be adopted for commercial agriculture, biotechnology, genetic engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence, and nano-technologies, as well as for developing the rural non-agricultural sector and facing globalization challenges. The focus on modernizing agriculture, innovating technology, and increasing opportunities and facilities for agricultural research will continue. Environmental protection will also be seriously considered in the use of various products in agriculture.

Not only agriculture, but also the fisheries and livestock sectors are immensely important for ensuring food security, meeting nutritional needs, creating employment, alleviating poverty, expanding export trade, and overall socio-economic development in Bangladesh. To meet the animal protein demand of the growing population, create entrepreneurs and employment, and keep the rural economy active, Sheikh Hasina's government is also giving equal importance to the fisheries and livestock sectors. The Awami League's commitments in this continuity are:

1. To increase the productivity of livestock by one and a half times by 2028.

2. To establish commercial dairy and poultry farms, increase self-employment, and alleviate poverty by providing loans on easy terms, necessary subsidies, technical advice, and policy support.

3. To increase the domestic production of quality animal feed ingredients, expand processing technology, and ensure reasonable prices.

4. To diversify, process, and expand export-oriented industries of animal products.

5. To expand farm mechanization and automated production systems in preparation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

6. To increase fish production from 4.915 million metric tons to 5.840 million metric tons and to raise the per capita fish consumption from 67.8 grams/day to 75 grams/day by ensuring sustainable fish production and achieving food security through maximum utilization of resources.

7. To strengthen sustainable management of marine fisheries resources and ensure responsible fishing for the development of the blue economy.

8. To adopt projects/programs based on delta hotspots for coping with the adverse effects of climate change, improving the quality of life of local communities, adaptation, and capacity building.

9. To reduce fish waste by 10% and create employment for about 600,000 people in the next five years by ensuring sustainable use of fish resources through value chain development and diversifying value-added fish and fishery products.

10. To encourage the private sector to increase fish and fishery product exports and expand new markets abroad by organizing Fish Expos and establishing exclusive economic zones for fishery product processing, aiming to increase export earnings from 4,790 crore to 15,000 crore taka.

11. To expand ongoing programs for increasing livestock production and to enhance opportunities and facilities for processing, marketing, and value addition of these products.

12. To continue fish farming in ponds and, where possible, in rice fields by providing quality fish fry, food, and disease treatment.

13. To provide easy access to capital, electricity connections, and other facilities for farmers.