Sheikh Russell Loved People Very Much


Published on October 18, 2022
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Hiren Pandit:

He was seven years old during the liberation war. He was regretful for his father. His father is in jail in Pakistan but he insists on going to his father. Father Prime Minister in a free country, his busyness is endless. In the meantime, Russell keeps himself busy with his eternal companion, the bicycle. His bicycle was loved like other members of the family. Which is still a silent witness to his memory. His time was sometimes spent in the exclusive presence of his father. Although the opportunity to see that great father was less in his life.

Many photographs have been preserved of Sheikh Russell since his birth. One-and-a-half-year-old Russell riding on Sheikh Hasina's lap. Russell standing on his father's lap, looking on with a sweet smile; going out on his bicycle or standing on the right side of his father at the dinner table. The curious boy Russell standing between Bangabandhu and Sultana Kamal on the wedding day of Sheikh Kamal and Sultana Kamal in 1975. Taking pictures standing on Bangabandhu's lap or standing with his father along with two other brothers Sheikh Kamal and Sheikh Jamal. Again, there is a picture of Bangabandhu and his family with the Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, and Russell standing close to Bangabandhu's lap. As the youngest child in the family, Russell was blessed with his father's love; The photographs bear witness to that.

However, after 1964, Bangabandhu was in deep sympathy with Russell for the entire time he was out of jail. He even accompanied this younger son on his visit to Japan after independence. Russell was his happy companion until his death. On the anniversary of Russell's birth, we must take up an effort to convey the true history to future generations. If we can teach the real history of the liberation war, we can create values against Russell's killers.

The greatest Bengali of all time, the youngest child of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatun Renu. Sheikh Russel's 58th birth anniversary is being celebrated nationally. Born in 1964, Sheikh Russell Bangabandhu always kept the family full of emotions. Russel was a fourth-class student of Dhaka University Laboratory School. Russell was growing up in an inherited political environment. But the early part of his growing up was a period of political crisis. Then Bangabandhu returned home after winning the war.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina mentioned in her memorial deal, “On August 15, 1975, the merciless bullet of an assassin took away little Russell. He is only 10 years and 11 months old. After walking past the bodies of his parents, two brothers, two sisters, and uncle, the killers brutally killed Russell. That small chest was stunned in pain. But seeing the mother's bloody corpse, pleaded to the killers, seeing so many corpses in the presence of whom he had grown up smiling with affection, what a pain he suffered. But the assassin's stony heart did not listen to his request. They brutally killed the baby Sheikh Russel with permission via wireless. Why did the murderers take away my Russell with so much pain? Who will answer this?

On 30 July 1975, Sheikh Hasina went to her husband's place of work in Germany. Russell was very upset at that time. Sheikh Hasina could not take Russell with her due to illness.

Sheikh Hasina also said in the commemoration that Russell had many friends in the village of Tungipara. When he went home, many small children in the village would gather. Dummy guns were made for them. Saw their parade with that gun. Food was bought for everyone. Clothing for Russell's small army was bought from Dhaka. Loved fishing. But he would catch the fish and release it again. Russell grew up little by little. Russell is given by his mother and father. The name of the school was Sheikh Risal Uddin. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib was a great admirer of Bertrand Russell. Reading Russell's book, he used to explain it in Bengali to his shadow companion, his beloved wife, Sheikh Fazilatunnessa Renu. After listening to this philosopher, Bangamata became so much of a fan of Bertrand Russell that she named her little son Russell after his birth.

Russell loved people very much. We have lost a great man. The child who had the starlight in his eyes had immense potential, we lost that star before it dawned. How much history is scattered on the way to Bengal? How many conspiracies in the alleys of power, and how many bloody events. The nation which was recognized as a nation of heroes in the world, after the assassination of Bangabandhu lost its credibility and popularity as a people in the world. Foreigners thought that a Bengali could do any heinous act to kill Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib.

By killing Bangabandhu on August 15, the brave Bengalis presented themselves to the world as a cowardly-suicidal nation and as traitors. By killing Sheikh Mujib, the dreamer of the Bengali nation, the Bengali nation has shown its suicidal character to the world. The spirit of independence was exiled by killing Bangabandhu. The killers have killed the man who gave his whole life for the country, and for the liberation of the people, and his family was not spared. Bangabandhu's younger son Sheikh Russell, who was only 10 years and 11 months old at the time, was not spared by the killers either.

In the description of PA Mohitul Islam, the plaintiff in the Bangabandhu murder case, the last victim of the killers' operation was the child, Russell. After killing everyone he was brought down. At this time Russell hugs me and wants to know, will they kill me? In no time an assassin hit me with the rifle and trapped Russell inside the police box. The two killers then took Russell to the second floor, telling them to take him to his mother, and after a while, gunshots were heard.

We have lost a child of the soil, a man with a heart that could love people. And we wish that such an incident does not happen in the fate of any child. That is why every child should build a safe country to live in. Russell dropped out prematurely. His lamp of life was snuffed out by the assassin's blow before the flower bloomed. It could no longer bloom. Sheikh Russell was an innocent child. In the implementation of Bangabandhu's Sonar Bangla, all of us must have such innocent thoughts in mind. We all have to work together to spread Bangabandhu's contribution, Sheikh Russell's feelings, and Sheikh Hasina's activities to future generations and we can accelerate the progress of Bangabandhu's establishment of Sonar Bangla by holding Bangabandhu's ideals.

Writer: Researcher and Columnist